May 29, 2008

Poetry Scores Experiential Auction: Postponed

For those of you (bless you) who purchased a copy of our newest issue, SEXY, you may have noted that in the back - yes, with the ads - there was a notice for something called the "Experiential Auction," a fundraiser for Poetry Scores (who I also work with, FYI). Due to all kinds of factors, we're now bumping that event from June 1 to September, hard date TBA soon - always good to spend a breezy Sunday on the patio at Atomic Cowboy, but you won't have a chance to bid on experiences until the fall. So if you have June 1 in your Month-at-glance naugahyde calendar, scratch that out for Sunday. We'll keep you posted on the date in September. Namaste!

Also want to take this chance to note: it's only been a week or so with DSL after moving (and houseguests mixed up in there somewhere) so more poetry posts coming soon from yours truly.

Posted by Stefene Russell at 06:51 AM | Miscellaneous & Eclectic
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