August 11, 2008

Chris on Gus

Chris King might be one of the most prolific bloggers I've come across in some time, impressive mostly for the fact that I don't believe he cared for the form prior to becoming completely hooked about a month back. In the past few days, he's punched up thoughts on pop legend Mitch Easter, African cooking, Joe Mokwa's resignation and race relations.

In yesterday's three-post weekend outburst, King fired up some thoughts about "Gus," which will be released on video this coming Friday night at the Mad Art Gallery. Here's that post.

We'll note, too, that a good reason to the attend the event at Mad Art - $10 at the door, with a DVD coming back to you - is that you'll have a chance to see the work of St. Louis expat Terrance Hughes, in the "Jar*Gon" show that co-curated at the Soulard venue. Well worth examining.

Posted by Thomas Crone at 03:09 PM | Digital & New Media
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